This interview is a follow-up to our earlier one with sexblogger Darkmina (from the blog of the same name) in January 2017. Her (nowadays rather joint with her partner) blog still exists today and every week more erotic articles are added.
We want to find out after these few years how their views on sex, erotic toys, BDSM have changed, what the blog helps them to do, …
And maybe inspire others that they shouldn’t be ashamed of their fantasies and erotic experiences and should share them with others (albeit anonymously like Darkmine).
Why Darkmina and Reaven? How did the nicknames come about?
Darkmina actually came about quite simply. I use the nickname Mina, but I didn’t want to use just that, so I thought and thought:) I also had a little help from Reaven and Darkmina was born:)
I actually made up Reaven when I was thinking of a nickname for my blog. I didn’t want to use one that I normally use on the internet. So it was a nickname sewn with a rather fast needle and it is probably evident in the nickname, but I don’t plan to change it, at least not in the near future:)
What has changed since last time?
The biggest change since the last time I talked to Darkmine is that it’s no longer just her contributing her articles to the blog, but now my little blog as well.
Whether this is for the better or worse is more for the readers to judge. In fact, starting such a blog was my idea. So when Darkmina started running out of ideas to write about, she made it clear whose idea it was and that I could help with it.
Another big change we’ve made is that we’ve finally managed to find some sort of system in publishing articles here on the blog. From the initial chaos and various attempts, we’ve settled on two articles a week, which suits us just fine.
So we have a Monday tip, mostly a shorter informative article about what we found interesting. And a Friday “bigger” article. We try to keep the Friday articles varied and there is no system to them. With that said, we save Wednesdays for some special things, but mostly for contests and their announcements.
Plus, we try to rotate after the week so we have enough time to get something written. However, as our readers will know, we still sometimes manage not to publish an article exactly, but we try to always have two articles per week.
Plus, I’ve perhaps learned a little bit about not publishing my plans so far in advance on the blog. Because after all, it either took me forever to accomplish them, or rather, I managed to forget about them.
This has led to articles about basically nothing, where I write about how I wish things were and what I’d like to do, and then articles about apologizing.
So it was actually articles about nothing of zero value. That’s what we’re trying to avoid now. Although one somewhat apologetic article probably came out recently. Let’s hope it’s the last one:)
We also have accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram. We’re not very active here though, certainly not as much as I’d like. We’ve been neglecting Instagram in particular lately. But these hot days encourage us to take pictures, so hopefully that will change soon:)
How have you changed?
We don’t experience a significant personality change. Thanks to the blog, I think Darkmine is a bit more open to my play and experimentation. For my part, I find myself perhaps just more “creepier” than before 🙂
Also, now I think we are not so full of expectations when we publish an article that we find tons of comments under it:) At first, we were tracking our traffic and checking the blog to see if anyone had left a message or comment.
Sometimes it feels like we are writing the blog more for ourselves. We’d really like to interact more with our readers, we just can’t do it yet. Now we don’t expect everything to come right away so we try to make writing fun.
Still, every message, comment, or just like or share makes us so happy and we are happy that someone is reading us after all. That’s why we try to run contests, at least for some little things, so that we can repay our readers’ affection.
The low rate of comments and responses need not worry you. It’s pretty much the same on all sites (not just erotic sites). We see a big influence of social media behind this, which is where these interactions have primarily moved to – so they’re not on the web, but elsewhere.
What does the blog help you with?
Writing for the blog helps us to express our creative side somewhere. Although it doesn’t seem like it, sometimes I get the urge to create no matter what. Whether it’s writing for a blog or short stories, translating, or making games.
Unfortunately, I have this trait that I can’t stick with anything for long. So sometimes I’m able to create several articles a week for the blog, other times Darkmine almost has to kick me to do it.
Actually, I didn’t like writing much before. After all, my spelling mistakes clearly prove that me and Czech are not really friends.
However, I have always loved to read and make up stories and it is probably evident from my stories on the blog that my imagination is quite vivid:)
Thanks to the blog we also think of different things to write or review. So then we watch movies, read books, or test toys that we might normally just skip, wave our hands over, or simply not even find out about.
For example, I know that thanks to, we would probably never go to an Erotic Fair, because as tempting as it would be, we probably wouldn’t go anyway. And it would be a shame, because it was awesome!
I’m the kind of guy who has a vivid imagination and would like to try just about anything in the realm of sex (okay, I have boundaries too), but when it comes down to it, my true shy and introverted self usually shows through. Blog gives me courage too:)
What are your favourite erotic tools?
For me, definitely the ones that stimulate the clitoris because it makes me reach orgasm. Unfortunately, I have quite a problem reaching orgasm with just the classic “plugging in”. But I also like some fancy vibrators.
I don’t really have a particularly favorite toy beyond Reaven. I just like trying new things, but it has the disadvantage that if I repeat a thing more often, I get tired of it quickly.
Lately, I’m finding that my favorite thing is various hoods and masks. But if I had to name a toy, it’s probably a penis cage with electrodes.
And which ones don’t?
I don’t need electro sex, it really doesn’t mean anything to me and neither do the clinics. Otherwise, I’m not opposed to trying new things:)
I’m maybe a bit further along and enjoy pushing the boundaries, so I don’t really know of a toy at the moment that I might not be willing to at least try over time. Of the various techniques, though, I don’t mind anything extra pain, or piss and similar techniques.
What toys would you like to test on your blog? And you can let your imagination run wild:)
I would love to try some Womanizer, we were thinking of buying one, but if there was a way to get one, I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to it 🙂 And otherwise definitely some vibrators, because you can never have enough of them:)
Reaven pretty much doesn’t care. I like to try new things, so anything new. My favorite toys are remote control, preferably via mobile, and other hi-tech novelties (for example VR). If I could afford anything, I would love to try a quality fucking machine and vacbed.
For us, by far the best post here is the photo-realistic “femdom” story of Cindy’s birth. Can we expect a sequel?
I don’t know if I can give it away, or if it hasn’t already. But such a lesser sequel should be appearing on the blog soon. Personally, I wouldn’t call it a full-fledged sequel, even though it was originally intended to be one, but then plans are one thing and reality is another.
Absolutely, but we do have plans for both a sequel and other photo-realistic stories. Unfortunately, lately we’ve been suffering from the fact that time is incredibly short.
We’ve been quite taken with your BDSM questionnaire – will there be any changes to it, perhaps a repeat?
We have no plans to change anything about it. After all, the questionnaire is still active and can be answered. And the results should be updated automatically (if you think it’s not, let us know and I’ll update the data – note Reaven).
And since we’ve tried to make the questionnaire as comprehensive as possible, I can’t even think of what the next questionnaire should be for at the moment. But if we think of an interesting questionnaire, we will definitely publish it.
We’re also enjoying your collaborative short story fetish series Anna and the Doctor, for which you alternate writing with Darkmine. How did you come up with the idea of writing together?
Reaven came up with the idea and we started writing when he was in training. I really liked the idea and wanted to write. I came up with the character of Anna and Reaven came up with Mr. Doctor.
We continued writing even though we were on holiday. We started writing a year ago. But lately, writing together has been stagnant. Reaven should probably go to training more often. 🙂
From the blog, we can sense that you two have a bond over BDSM play, but Reaven is more drawn to it – have you been to any fetish/BDSM events? Or do you have one booked?
We’ve been to Prague Fetish Weekend twice, unfortunately neither time did we attend the main event. By the way, I think we had some info about it on the blog. Something managed to sneak up on us each time, but to be honest, part of it was our fear of the unknown.
This year, however, we probably won’t be attending the event at all. Otherwise, Reaven would of course like to attend a Fetish Grand Prix or an event in Germany. But first we have to get to the PFW at least. 🙂
It may not be obvious at first glance, but we feel you are both rather submissive, but Darkmine can be a switch, or both, depending on his mood. Isn’t that a problem?
I certainly wouldn’t see it as a problem, as Reaven also likes to be harnessed and is submissive 🙂
To be honest, sometimes it does seem like a problem to me. Although then I also consider myself a switch and don’t mind being in a dominance role. I have been in a rather submissive mood for quite some time now. And you can see in Darkmin that he doesn’t enjoy the dominant role either.
Do you ever get someone downright dominant to tame you both?
I have to say, I wouldn’t want anyone else to be with us during either play or sex. Since I’m pretty shy and wouldn’t even want to share Reaven with someone else. But I don’t think he’d mind.
I can think of it, of course, but I know very well that Darkmine wouldn’t want anything like that. In fact, at one time I even planned for us to go to a pro domina together, but we knocked that off the table. So for now (for good 😉 – note Darkmina) we are doing fine on our own.
Of course, I don’t know how it would work out in reality. It’s quite possible that I’m doing the shoulders this way and in reality I would be the first to take in the rabbits. At the moment, I’m rather toying with the idea of finding a long-distance Domina (to be honest, I can’t imagine having a male Dominant :).
I don’t think that would have the same effect though, and I wonder what that would look like, and actually if Darkmine would even be willing to go for it. I’d definitely like to get to know more people from the fetish scene though. In fact, I’m thinking of contacting some couples to become friends with and who knows what the future holds.
Do you read any similar erotic magazines/blogs abroad? Any where you get inspired?
I used to go to vanilopka’s blog. Now I’m most interested in our blog. 🙂 Sometimes I check out other bloggers’ blogs that fall under Lascero and of course Lascero and Pink Elephant. But I don’t really look for inspiration.
And in fact, thanks to Darkmin, I’ve been following vanilopka as well. Although lately I’ve been going there more sporadically. But Vanilopka’s blog gave me the idea that it would be nice if Darkmína wrote a similar blog.
Then I came across Lascera’s offer and eventually fell into writing too. 🙂 However, I always come across something on the internet that catches my eye and then I look up different blogs or articles about it (that’s how I had it with the Bimbo phenomenon, for example).
I used to follow a lot of blogs on tumbrl, for example, but unfortunately it has tightened up the rules on erotica quite a bit, so a lot of interesting people have left. So nowadays I don’t regularly visit any blog or site about erotica anymore (except for erotic stories and porn, actually).
Thanks to both of you for the informative interview and I wish you many open readers!