Currently, you can only advertise on in 2 forms:
- competition sponsorship.
- and sponsored interviews.
What about toy reviews and tests
We work exclusively on the basis of performance marketing (and the How We Earn section) with the sex shops themselves that feature in product reviews, in cooperation with affiliate technology company This company has our trust due to its 9 years of existence on the market, continuous tracking development and stability.
Our classic interviews aim to introduce our readers to new authors, personalities, places, events from the erotic world. The ones they might not normally come across and for us that’s a shame. For typically commercial projects and people, we will proceed to a paid interview if arranged.
The price of the interview is currently 10,000 CZK (we are not VAT payers, so this is the final price).
A maximum of 1 paid interview per month will go out, so you are guaranteed plenty of attention from our readers.
Sponsored Interview Concept
This one includes both:
- .
- the actual preparation of the questions (the first batch goes over the surface and the second batch always responds to the answers to the first batch and goes in depth),
- selection of photographs (always from the archive of a given author),
- adding active links to your site/webs,
- proofreading,
- editorial typesetting and formatting,
- follow-up promo.
Of course, every interview goes to the other party for final authorization before publication. The article is at that point already cranked into the web, complete with perex and agreed-upon photos, and is thus available for pre-reading on a locked page. So you can check how the final text itself will look like and possibly make further comments or additions.
Once approved, the article is published in the Interviews section. This is followed by promotions on our social networks: Twitter, Facebook and also in our internal e-mailing.
Who our interviews are suitable for
In our experience, they work well for brands and performance with sex shops, erotic massage, nude photographers, porn promoters and other players in the erotic business, for example. The subject matter of our site draws people who respond positively to erotic stimuli, making us the ideal place to connect with new brands and concepts.
What do our conversations look like?

Competitions and Sponsorships
If you’re a sex shop looking to get involved in contest sponsorships, then read on.
The cooperation in this case takes place by organizing a contest for material prizes or discount coupons for the purchase of erotic goods on Lascivní.cz. The most optimal is to offer material prizes (erotic aids) in combination with discount coupons.
Those interested in the contest should answer a simple question (or more questions) and send the answer via a special form (together with their email and name). After the contest is over, winners are selected according to a pre-determined order. Once we receive the contact addresses from the winners, we forward this information to the sponsor, who handles the mailing of the prizes.
What the sponsor can offer:
- erotic aids,
- discount coupons,
- purchase vouchers,
- any combination of the above.
Contest format:
- one or more contest questions
- answers to the questions can be found on the sponsor’s website (price of a specific product, length of time in the market, etc.),
- answers are submitted using the contest form, which is located just below the article announcing the contest,
- contests are designed in such a way that the winning order is determined in advance (for example, the 1st prize is won by the first 150th person to submit the correct answer; the 2nd prize is won by the first 250th person to submit the correct answer – so it is not a lottery),
- the competition will be arranged for 7-14 days (depending on the arrangement and number of prizes).
Our prize promotion:
- publication of an article on informing about the prize contest,
- information about this article will be posted on the FB page of (over 700 fans),
- information about the competition will be posted on Czech competition websites (,,, etc.),
- the article informing about the competition will be linked to linking services,
- placing a banner (alerting visitors to the contest) in the sidebar of
What the sponsor will receive for their sponsorship:
- banner under the article informing about the contest,
- a thematic link from the competition article,
- the answer to the contest question will only be found on the sponsor’s website (thus gaining traffic and promo).
Information about has been operating since January 2010. Average daily traffic is over 2 000 visitors. The traffic can be documented with a screen from Google Analytics.
Interested in sponsoring our competitions? Contact us via Contact.
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